Anne-Therese Peterson, Therapeutic Massage

What is Ashiatsu, Barefoot massage!

What is Ashiatsu?


This technique is a deep relaxing treatment.  The massage therapist's feet and body weight are used to press, sweep, swirl and relax the muscles.  The sweeping movements are done at a slow pace.  Compression movements along the spine and the lumbar region can relieve muscle spasms, helps to elongate and restore space in the spine. It also increases circulation by bringing more oxygenated blood to the area being worked.  Not only that but it also works on  the lymphatic system, releasing toxins at a very high rate.  Heavy lifting or exercise, sitting for long period of times after this massage is not recommended.  Clients will tell you, it is the most relaxing, yet therapeutic, massage they ever had! Once you try, you will never go back!

The biggest benefit of this technique is after a few treatments, it will improve posture and movements while relieving pain!

Won't you give it a try today!


The list of "who should not get a massage" applies, plus:

  • pregnancy or trying to conceive
  • implants of any kind for 9 months
  • if taking blood thinners (Coumadin, Heparin... or high doses of aspirin) because of easy bruising and clotting
  • certain diabetic cases in advance stage
  • severe lordosis, scoliosis
  • hyper mobile clients
  • recent eye procedures or surgery
  • Osteoporosis
Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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