Anne-Therese Peterson, Therapeutic Massage

When NOT to get a massage!

Avoid massage when or if you have:

A cold: A cold is a virus. It is an acute inflammation of the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract usually confined to the nose and throat.  It lasts about 4 to 5 days.  Massage can be performed after 5 days from the onset.    

A fever: If you had a fever, massage can be performed 48 hours after being completely fever free.   

The flu or Covid 19 symptoms: The flu is an acute, highly contagious viral infection of the upper respiratory tract and more.  The incubation period is 1 to 3 days and lasts a week to 10 days.  Massage is postponed until symptom free.  

- A bacterial infection

- Nausea, vomiting

- Any swollen, red, hot area    *

- Uncontrolled high blood pressure, severe or uncontrolled heart condition

- Undiagnosed pain, disease or lump

- Open or bleeding wound

- Tumor

- Skin rash, fungi, athlete foot....

- Excessive skin sensitivity   *   

- Recent surgery or injury site *

- Varicose veins, DVT *

- fractures, broken bone *

- Skin ulcers

- Recent burn(s), or sunburn      

Always disclose any condition(s) you may have to your therapist before every session.  Thank you!  

If in doubt, check with your physician before getting a professional massage.

  * For those conditions, a local massage may be performed. 


Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
© Copyright 2025  Anne-Therese Peterson, Therapeutic Massage.  All rights reserved.